The Private Caribbean Study Goals Organization and E-School was founded on March 28th 2020 by Jasmine Greene. Below is a breakdown of the important events which occurred in 2020 that shaped PCSG into what it is today:
On March 17th, Jasmine Greene's school closed down due to the arrival of the coronavirus in her country, Barbados. She was demotivated to study for her upcoming CSEC exams in May/June and fortunately Kerwin Springer, her role model founded The Student Hub (TSH) on March 21st to unite students from across the Caribbean so that they could share resources and learn together. Jasmine joined TSH on March 20th.
While in The Student Hub, Jasmine spoke to several fellow students from the Caribbean. Jasmine founded the initial 'CSEC Study Groups (CSG)' on March 28th 2020. A discord server for students was created to share resources and host classes together. This allowed students to have zoom sessions where some students voluntarily assisted the others study a specific subject, and this developed into classes being taught by the strongest student in the area.
During this time, students from CSG sought out other students from fellow Caribbean groups to help in more subjects, growing the team. This formed the first team of CSG consisting of both teachers and students on April 22nd.
On June 7th, the CSG team discussed and agreed to change the name of our initiative to PCSG (Private Caribbean Study Groups) and advance into an official youth-organization.
After the July-August examinations, the team celebrated the success of their hard work and our students as every PCSG student achieved their greatest potential as massive improvements were evident in the progress of each of our students.
Most importantly, the organization was renamed to Private Caribbean Study Goals as Jasmine sought to make PCSG a non-profit official organization where the legacy would continue. The Discord server was official renamed, "At the beginning of 2021, PCSG began offering classes for CAPE subjects to further help students succeed and strive to provide all CXC students with the necessary tools to achieve their greatest potential.
Now, in September 2021, PCSG has introduced the 3rd and 4th forms to our all-inclusive system! We will continue to empower our motto, "Students Helping Students Succeed!"
Founder of Private Caribbean Study Goals.